
HDKP Presentation in Osijek
President Sandra Breznički Ucović and Secretary Erna Ferendža Luburić held a presentation about challenges and opportunities in conference interpreting for the Translation Studies students in Osijek.They said a few words about various conference interpreting modes, the market situation, advantages of being a member of a professional association, career opportunities in the EU institutions and further...
16. January 2024.
Consecutive Interpretation Workshop
Yet another consecutive interpretation workshop was held on 13 October 2023. The positive and supportive atmosphere impressed us yet again and motivated us to look forward to organizing more workshops of this kind. Some of the attendees are preparing for the EU accreditation exam, others wanted to improve their technique and network, or feel their...
15. October 2023.
International Translation Day
We didn’t want to miss our annual get together to mark the International Translation Day. Delicious cakes, a chance to chat to colleagues, a lot of laughter and the last of the Indian summer made for an enjoyable afternoon. We made sure to pencil in the date for us to meet next year.
2. October 2023.
Language Festival
On 23 September 2023, HDKP took part in the Language Festival at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. The event was organised by the European Commission Representation in Croatia. Visitors could take part in a number of workshops, lectures, courses and quizzes on language. HDKP organised a lecture, 'Found in Translation –...
24. September 2023.
Regional lectures
After a long break, HDKP is once again working together with universities throughout Croatia to bring our profession, conference interpreting, closer to students pursuing degrees in languages and/or translation/interpretation. Sandra Breznički Ucović, HDKP president, held the first presentation on 11 May, to an audience of third-year students of English language and literature at the Faculty...
23. May 2023.
More Croatian in the EU
On Thursday, 18 May, the House of Europe in Zagreb hosted a panel discussion on career opportunities for conference interpreters in the EU institutions. Apart from Tajana Zagajski, Head of the Croatian Unit at DG Interpretation of the European Commission, the panel comprised our members Andrea Montani, Coordinator of the Croatian booth in the European...
19. May 2023.
Annual General Assembly
On Friday, 17 February 2023, HDKP held its annual assembly, the first physical gathering since the outbreak of the pandemic. As this year the Society members were to elect new officials, we were happy to see so many of them gather to elect the new Steering Board, Supervisory Board and the Court of Honour. Sandra...
18. February 2023.
Consecutive Interpreting Workshop
We kicked off 2023 with the latest edition of our consecutive interpreting workshop, which was organised jointly by the Committee for Education and Projects and the Committee for Admission of New Members and Mentorship System. The four-hour-long virtual workshop took place on Friday, January 13, and brought together around ten participants, giving them an opportunity...
18. January 2023.
Fröhliche Feiertage
23. December 2022.
International Translation Day
Although the circumstances were far from ideal, this year we managed to gather on September 30th to mark the International Translation Day. Unfortunately, the Zagreb Marathon was run on the same day and large parts of Zagreb were closed to traffic. As a result, many members were unable to join us in a café in...
3. October 2022.
Semi-annual meeting of the Society
Semi-annual meetings of the Society are an opportunity for members to gather in a different format and discuss all current topics related to the profession and activities of the Society. This year's meeting took place on 23 September 2022 via Zoom. The Steering Board presented an overview of the activities in the past six months,...
26. September 2022.
Speech Workshop
After two years, on 4 June 2022, we finally had an opportunity to get together – live! – and work on the aspects of speech that are extremely important for conference interpreters: speech skills, speech performance and voice care, under the expert guidance of our trainer, Diana. The workshop itself was tailored specifically to the...
6. June 2022.
HDKP Annual General Assembly
This year's HDKP assembly was yet again held virtually, via Zoom, on 18 February 2022. The assembly began with a minute of silence in honour of our deceased colleagues Ivo Bićanić and Milivoj Telećan. The Steering Board went on to present its work report and the 2021 committee reports. All reports were unanimously adopted, as...
21. February 2022.
Consecutive Interpretation Workshop
On 14 January 2022, yet another consecutive interpretation workshop was held on Zoom, in virtual format, for the first time. The workshop was organized by the HDKP Education and Projects Committee. It was tailored specifically to those colleagues who had already mastered note-taking in the consecutive mode and who wanted to refresh or improve their...
17. January 2022.
International Translation Day
A belated marking of the International Translation Day brought together the bravest and most determined HDKP members on 1 Ocotber for our traditional informal gathering on this occasion. Lacking a bit of sunshine, but in a good mood, Zagrebs Upper Town served as the perfect surrounding for enjoying a cup of coffe and chatting about...
3. October 2021.
Workshop „Distance Interpreting – How to Position Yourself on the Conference Interpreting Market“
To mark the International Translation Day, 30 September, the HDKP organised a virtual workshop, „Distance Interpreting – How to Position Yourself on the Conference Interpreting Market“. Nata Hajdu, our vice-president, briefly went through various forms of distance interpreting and platforms used to provide interpretation remotely and presented the key costing elements. The participants were then...
30. September 2021.
Virtual workshop – Introduction to InterpretBank
On Friday, 7 May 2021, HDKP, organized a virtual workshop entitled „Introduction to InterpretBank“, in cooperation with Interpremy and its co-founder and trainer Bianca Prandi. InterpretBank is probably the best-known CAI tool. Bianca, whose company is the official training partner of InterpretBank, started by introducing the participants to the concept and significance of CAI tools...
14. May 2021.
Recommendations for speakers at distance meetings
HDKP is following the developments in the field of distance interpreting and trying to do its part with the aim of making virtual meetings a satisfactory experience for all those involved in them. Having prepared distance interpreting recommendations for clients as well as interpreters last summer, now it is the speakers’ turn. You need to...
3. May 2021.
HDKP General Assembly
On Thursday, 28 January 2021, HDKP held its first virtual assembly in its long history. As this year the Society members were to elect new officials, we were happy to see so many of them – a record number, in fact – gather to elect the new Steering Board, Supervisory Bord and the Court of...
3. February 2021.
Occupational Standard “Interpreter” Entered in the Register of the Croatian Qualification Framework
4 May 2020 – On 4 May 2020, the occupational standard “interpreter” was entered in the Register of the Croatian Qualification Framework, on the basis of the proposal submitted by the Croatian Society of Conference Interpreters. This marked the successful conclusion of a four-year project thanks to which our occupation now officially exists in Croatia...
4. May 2020.
HDKP General Assembly
The marathon meeting of the HDKP General Assembly, held on 31 January 2020, brought together a record attendance. Some important decisions were adopted, and six new members and five precandidates were admitted to the Society. We congratulate all of them and hope they will be active members of the Society!
2. February 2020.
HDKP celebrates the 45th anniversary of its founding
On September 27 2019, the Croatian Society of Conference Interpreters (HDKP) celebrated the 45th anniversary of its founding with an event held at the Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK) in Zagreb. The speakers were Zvonimir Frka-Petešić, Head of the Prime Minister’s Office, Gordan Markotić, ambassador and Croatian EU-Council Presidency Coordinator, Gintaras Morkūnas, acting...
9. October 2019.
Workshop – Intensive Retour Exercises
1 July 2019 - Last Friday and Saturday 16 of our colleagues had the opportunity to participate in HDKP’s Intensive Retour Exercises Workshop, where they received feedback for their retour work in the booth from experienced conference interpreters and native speakers of their retour languages. The intensive work did not prevent the participants from enjoying...
8. July 2019.
Retour workshop
A working group of HDKP’s Professional Development and Projects Committee has organized a workshop - Intensive Retour Exercises - where our colleagues, native speakers of English and German, who used to work for DG SCIC or still do will be giving feedback and advice. The target participants of the workshop are experienced conference interpreters who...
15. May 2019.
Lea Kovács receives special recognition
Lea Kovács, a member of our Society, who is not only a conference interpreter but also a literary translator, has received a special recognition by the Iso Velikanović Literary Translation Award Committee for her translation from Hungarian of the poetry collection To the Body by Szilárd Borbély. We offer her our heartfelt congratulations and best...
1. April 2019.
European Parliament Call for Tender for Translation
The European Parliament, in cooperation with the Council of the European Union, the European Court of Auditors, the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions, has launched two new calls for tenders for the provision of translation services into several languages, including Croatian. If interested, you can find more information and deadlines...
26. November 2018.
Info Day of the Postgraduate Specialist Course in CONFERENCE INTERPRETING
The University of Zagreb, in cooperation with DGs for conference interpreting of the European Commission and European Parliament, will present its postgraduate specialist course in conference interpreting in the Centre for Postgraduate Studies in Zagreb, Zvonimirova 8, on 18 June 2018 at 6 pm. More information (PDF format)[
4. June 2018.
Presentation „Professional Ethics and Standards of Conference Interpreting“ – Pula, May 21st 2018
CSCI, in cooperation with the Faculty of Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, has the pleasure of inviting you to the interactive presentation „Professional Ethics and Standards of Conference Interpreting“. We will discuss the importance of adhering to professional standards and ethical norms, present numerous cases from interpreters’ past...
11. May 2018.
The General Assembly
19 January 2018 – The General Assembly, held on 19 January 2018, admitted Reneé Davies, Vinka Komesar Rajković, Dragana Budanko and Lea Kovacs into regular membership of the Society, and Katarina Bačić as a pre-candidate. Congratulations to all of them! We are eagerly waiting for their input into HDKP's activities. The members have received the...
21. February 2018.
30 September – International Translation Day
On Saturday, 30 September 2017, the Croatian Society of Conference Interpreters celebrated the International Translation Day with a get-together of its members and precandidates. The informal gathering was an excellent occasion to meet up with colleagues whom we don’t see that often, and to discuss topics that are not dealt with at our regular meetings...
2. October 2017.
Sad Announcement: Our dear colleague Janko Paravić has died
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our colleague, one of the founders of our Society and its first president, Janko Paravić. Janko was one of the doyens of conference interpreting in Croatia, a role model for many generations of interpreters, whose interpreting skills, erudition, professional demeanour and openness, and the...
29. August 2017.
Voice coaching workshop for conference interpreters
15 July 2017 – The Training and Projects Committee of the Croatian Society of Conference Interpreters organized yet another one-day voice coaching workshop for conference interpreters in cooperation with Gabrijela Kišiček from the Phonetics Department of the Faculty of Humanities in Zagreb and Davor Stanković, voice trainer from HRT, the Croatian public broadcasting company.
15. July 2017.
HDKP presentations in Pula, Rijeka and Split
Members of the HDKP, supported logistically by the University of Pula, and the Association of Court Interpreters and Translators from Rijeka and Split, made presentations entitled „Conference Interpreting in Croatia – challenges and opportunities“, for students of language, translation and interpretation courses and interested professionals in Pula, Rijeka and Split.
8. June 2017.
Signing the HDKP Code of Professional Conduct
13 February 2017 - During an informal get-together of HDKP members in Strasbourg, our new members Sanja Lokner i Maja Šimleša as well as a pre-candidate Bruno Štefić signed the HDKP Code of Professional Conduct, thus completing the procedure of their accession to the Society.
13. February 2017.
The General Assembly
3 February 2017 - The HDKP held its annual General Assembly and elections on 3 February 2017. Tamara Levak Potrebica was elected as President, Kristina Kruhak as Vice President, Ivanka Rajh continues to be our Secretary, and Elvira Mulić was elected as Treasurer. The Assembly voted unanimously in favour of awarding honorary membership in the...
3. February 2017.
Presentation in Osijek
26 January 2017 – Ivanka Rajh, HDKP’s Secretary, and Sandra Breznički Ucović, member of the Committee for Admission of New Members and Mentorship System, paid a visit to the Osijek Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and spoke to students of translation and interpretation at the Department of the English Language and Literature. They presented...
26. January 2017.
Lecture “Using Social Networks for Promotional Purposes (Facebook and LinkedIn)”
21 October 2016 – HDKP organized a lecture entitled “Using Social Networks for Promotional Purposes (Facebook and LinkedIn)”. The lecture was given by Ivan Tušek of the Degordian marketing agency.
21. October 2016.
Presentation in Warsaw
16 July 2016 - The Interregional Meeting of the Private Market Sector of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC PRIMS) is being held in Warsaw this weekend. Toni Luburić, a member of HDKP and AIIC, gave a presentation about the situation on the Croatian market.[:]
22. August 2016.
Lecture given by Prof. Marija Omazić
On Friday 20 May 2016, Prof. Marija Omazić of the Department for the English Language and Literature of the Osijek Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences gave a very interesting lecture entitled “Terminology Management for Conference Interpreting”. In addition to a theoretical overview of the evolution of terminological studies and methods of terminology storage and...
21. May 2016.
Signing the HDKP Code
During an informal get-together of HDKP members in Brussels, our new members Marija Čulina and Nuša Torbica signed the HDKP Code of Professional Conduct, thus completing the procedure of their accession to the Society (photo gallery).
17. February 2016.
The General Assembly
At the General Assembly held on 5 February 2016, the founders of the HDKP were awarded honorary membership in the Society: Jagoda Lukavac, Marija Marušić, Gabrijela Vidan, Dalia Grin, Janko Paravić, Jere Tarle and Milivoj Telećan, and posthumously Vladimir Ivir, Vesna Grbin, Živka Jurak and Mladen Raukar. The General Assembly admitted two new members of...
5. February 2016.
Looking for interpreters?
You can find interpreters for the working languages you need here. You can find useful information on how to verify the professional skills of conference interpreters here (Croatian version only). Needing advice on distance interpreting to enable participants to take part from various locations? See our recommendations here.
15. January 2016.
HDKP meeting
The HDKP held a meeting at which our new members Ivana Karan, Sandra Stojaković and Elvira Mulić and pre-candidate Martina Stojaković signed the HDKP Code of Professional Conduct. After a brief update on the activities of the Steering Committee and discussion of future plans, an informal party was held to welcome our new members.
10. April 2015.
Annual General Assembly
The HDKP held its annual General Assembly and elections. Sanja Matešić was re-elected as President, Tamara Levak Potrebica as Vice President and Miljenka Demel as treasurer. The new secretary is Ivanka Rajh. The other bodies of the Society were also elected. The General Assembly admitted five new colleagues into regular membership of the Society: Sandra...
13. February 2015.
HDKP 40th Anniversary Celebration
The Croatian Society of Conference Interpreters celebrated the 40th anniversary of its founding with an event held in Zagreb. The speakers were Janko Paravić, a founding member and the first president of the HDKP; Sanja Matešić, the current president of the HDKP; Linda Fitchett, the president of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC); Juan-Carlos...
28. November 2014.