Occupational Standard “Interpreter” Entered in the Register of the Croatian Qualification Framework

4 May 2020 – On 4 May 2020, the occupational standard “interpreter” was entered in the Register of the Croatian Qualification Framework, on the basis of the proposal submitted by the Croatian Society of Conference Interpreters. This marked the successful conclusion of a four-year project thanks to which our occupation now officially exists in Croatia for the first time ever.

The demanding and time-consuming project was brought to a successful end thanks to the effort and volunteer work of a task force, coordinated by Kristina Kruhak, with the participation of Tamara Levak Potrebica, Dunja Bakić, Sanja Matešić, Goranka Antunović and Nuša Torbica.
In the future period, the existence of the occupational standard could have a significant impact on the labour market, and on future training of interpreters, including conference interpreters. If we compare the situation to what it was when we launched the project, the progress is striking. At that time, many people still disputed the necessity to distinguish between translators and interpreters, and questioned the existence of special competences needed for interpreting; and, as an association, we encountered obstacles at every step we took, because the system was designed with the idea that occupational standards would be developed by much larger entities, such as institutes of higher education.
You can read more about the inception of our work on the occupational standard, and about our motivation, in the 6th edition of the HDKP Bulletin, which you can access from our web page. You can also see the occupational standard at the web site of the Croatian Qualification Framework: https://hko.srce.hr/registar/standard-zanimanja/detalji/30.