Virtual workshop – Introduction to InterpretBank
On Friday, 7 May 2021, HDKP, organized a virtual workshop entitled „Introduction to InterpretBank“, in cooperation with Interpremy and its co-founder and trainer Bianca Prandi. InterpretBank is probably the best-known CAI tool. Bianca, whose company is the official training partner of InterpretBank, started by introducing the participants to the concept and significance of CAI tools (computer-assisted-interpreting tools) and explained their main goals. The participants then had the opportunity to try out the main functionalities, using the InterpretBank demo version, under Bianca’s guidance. Thus, they learned, in a very hands-on manner, about all the advantages of InterpretBank for terminology preparation and memorization as well as for terminology look-up in the booth. Since Bianca opted for a very interactive approach, everyone got an answer to their questions about specific functions and features of the tool, and we even managed to play a little with the voice-recognition function which is still in the experimental stage.
We are especially pleased that our colleagues from the neighbouring Slovenian association of conference interpreters ZKTS joined us for this workshop. It is always a pleasure to be able to spend time with them. Judging by the initial feedback, the workshop was very useful and informative and we hope that we have offered our colleagues a chance to explore the new technology. Perhaps they will as a result be more willing to use it on a daily basis and let it help them in their day-to-day work.